Sunday, August 10, 2014

The drive from Entebbe to Iganga

Today we made the drive from Entebbe to Iganga where we will stay for the next 9 days.  It is only 153 kilometers between the 2 cities and in normal conditions would take us 2 hours.  There are no normal conditions in Africa though!  First we had to make a "30 minute stop" to get a stove fixed....that stop lasted 3 hours!  We did get to eat some frozen yogurt though!  After that stop, it still took us another 5 hours in the Musana bus to get to Iganga!  Luckily we had lots of popcorn to eat along the way and we stopped to buy chicken on a stick!  Driving through the towns was also very intgeresting.  For starters, people were selling bananas EVERYWHERE!  YUM!  And there were a lot of people selling beds.  The coolest part of that is that they delievered the beds (and everything else) on bicycles so we saw a lot of people riding their bikes on the road with huge loads strapped on!


  1. Chicken on a stick - your fav, huh? At least you got yogurt and bananas!
